Megan Hale

Entrepreneur | Design Engineer | Public Speaker

Building Confidence with …


CEO and Co-Founder of Team Repair, a circular subscription programme teaching children science and technology through the skill of repair.

Sharing Knowledge on …

Start Ups

Weekly 1-to-1 coaching of 12 start-ups from ideas to reality as part of Imperial College London’s Enterprise Roll Out Master’s project. Aiding with all stages of development including fundraising, financial modelling, and business strategy.

Empowering …

Girls in STEM

Motivating young people to consider all a career in STEM has to offer by presenting my journey and experiences so far in schools.

Transitioning to

Green Energy

Deeply Invested in …

Master’s thesis titled “The Future of Green Hydrogen: Developing a Transition Design Engineering Framework to Investigate Sustainable Pathways for the UK Energy System.”

Developed a framework called the Transition Design Engineering Framework which aids stakeholders to develop green technologies with the whole system in mind.

Talent and


Shifting Mindsets on …

Invited by a range of companies to sit on panels and give presentations on talent diversity, improving sustainability and innovative business approaches.